VPD in different climates

I was doing some research on a strain and trying to match the climate it strives on and the VPD is way off even with leaf temps. Is there a way to get a VPD readings for a certain climate ?

If you mean that you are trying to duplicate the conditions in a specific part of the world, then all you’d have to do is look up the average monthly daytime and nighttime temperature and humidity for the typical growing season in that area and calculate vpd from that.

If you mean how do you calculate different ideal vpds for different climates, that’s not really a thing. The idea behind vpd is that it allows you to ignore temperature and humidity and instead target a specific evaporation rate.

Assuming we’re talking about cannabis, unless you have seeds that were collected from locals in some part of the world where cannabis is endemic, then your seeds would be a hybrid and you can’t know what vpd they find optimal without growing it and testing different conditions.

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for ex. Mediterranean climate: How would someone look that up or a resource