UI Overhaul - Feature Highlight - Pulse Grow

Our app is now easier than ever to use, with an intuitive interface built for growers by growers. This update makes real-time grow monitoring and management simpler than ever before. With customizable alerts, grow zones, batch and phase tracking, and an intuitive design focused on cultivators needs, Pulse sets the new standard as the simplest and most powerful all-in-one grow data monitoring platform on the market today.

Check out this short video to see these new features in action:

Questions or feedback? We're here to help! Feel free to contact our support team at support@pulsegrow.com or call 888-537-8573 M-F 9a-4p PT. We greatly appreciate your feedback and are constantly improving our services to better cater to your needs. Please share any feedback or comments here on the forums!
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://pulsegrow.com/blogs/learn/ui-overhaul-feature-highlight