The Ultimate Crop Steering Guide for Indoor Cultivation - Pulse Grow

You may have heard all sorts of complicated things about crop steering and how to implement it in your cultivation practices, but when it boils down to it, crop steering is a relatively straightforward concept. 

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I love this info sheet
Common infos for beginners and perfect look up for advanced growers :v:t4::ok_hand:t4:

Just after a bit of info/help if possible pls.
I’ve just into week 2 of flower and just need some help on what stages (early flower,mid flower,late flower) I should be looking for regarding room temperature and humidity levels through daytime and room is currently running at 28c (day) and RH of 73%
(Night) 23
c and Rh of 65%
can anyone help me with what I should be looking for my next 7weeks pls (9 week flower)as I can’t seem to find any suggestions on what day and night temps/RH i should be looking for.
Thanks for your help.
Bw (uk)