Soil Sensor Questions

Hi. I recently bought the hub with the soil sensor, and I’m having a little trouble understanding the data.

I’m growing in rockwool cubes, and when I set the calibration to “rockwool” I get a much higher PWEC and a much lower Bulk EC reading than the readings I’m getting in my res. My Bluelab Truncheon is saying 1.0, but the PWEC right after a watering is around 1.45 and the bulk EC is 0.7. If I switch the “mineral soil” the PWEC drops down to 1.1, which is closer, but still a little hot. I also used a PPM meter in the res and it was coming out to the same as the Truncheon.

Is this normal, or should I be aiming for a lower EC when I’m mixing my nutrients? There’s not really a whole lot of information on the data.
