Dark mode UI issues

There have been a few dark mode UI issues since its launch, but since I was so overjoyed to get it I choose not to be nit picky about a few things. However recently I noticed a UI issue that was broken state, so I figured maybe it’s easy enough to address all this at once :slight_smile:

Clearly under “Currently Viewing” the screen isn’t rendering as desired. This is why I choose to complain as there is a drop down menu you can’t see, which is where all there other settings are located:

Additionally you can see the undesired blue boxes that keep appearing throughout the app (also in screenshot above). I’ve attached several screenshots as its present throughout the app:

I don’t have a Pulse Pro, so possible those pages also have similar UI issues.

Reproduced on:
iPhone Pro 12 Max iOS 16. 5
iOS Pulse App: 3.1.14

We’ve got some dark mode fixes coming soon! I’ll double check to make sure these are addressed as part of that update. And i’ll get rid of those ugly boxes

this should be fixed now

Thanks all the above issues are resolved.

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