Bug Report: Template updates not reflecting in UI

Bug Report: Template updates not reflecting in UI

Steps to reproduce:

  1. log into either web or iOS app
  2. Select your device from devices list
  3. adjust thresholds. For my example, I updated the upper bound for RH.
  4. Select “Update template?” checkbox
  5. Select Save
  6. Click devices
  7. Reselect your device, and notice the recently updated parameters are not updated.

Note: if you navigate to your templates page and open your recently updated template, it will reflect your recent updates.


  1. When navigating back to devices your template isn’t saved.
  2. no confirmation your template was saved successfully
  3. Bottom of page below the template parameters doesn’t have enough padding. When you make a change the snack bar at the bottom with the save button collide with the last parameter of the page. This is worst on iOS app, but still an issue on web. (Can provide screenshots)

Reproduced issues on iPhone 12 Pro Max on iOS 14.3, and Chrome 88.0.4324.96 on OSX

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Hi @monstermash thanks for bringing this up. We’ll get it on the board to get fixed asap.

@peet I do mobile QA for a living, if you are interested in beta testers let me know.

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From the high quality and detailed report, I figured that you had some tech experience!

Anyway, the bug should be fixed now. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

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