Api access now available to all types of users

Hello! I’m happy to provide some information on the latest changes we’re making.

We have now made our public api available for Hobbyist and Enthusiast users.

The number of calls made to our api is limited and dependent on the Grow owners subscription plan and the number of datapoints requested.
Each retrieved datapoint counts as a seperate api call.

Hobbyist users get 4800 api calls per day, which should be suffiecient to cover 2 devices livestreaming data during the day + various utility methods.
Enthusiast users get 28000 calls per day, which amounts to 16 devices + other calls.
Pros get 120000 calls pers days, which should cover 80 devices.

In case you need more data ported - please take a look at our Exports page.
Small reminder on api usage.
To use the public api please go to the settings and add an api key.
Add that key to your request as a “x-api-key” header.


@Ggofman Are we confident this is setup currently? I’m a “hobbyist” and when I go to the setting pages I am getting 401 unauthorized on both GET/POST on https://app.pulsegrow.com/api/keys.

Looks like my account doesn’t have permissions/scope.

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Hello! could you please retry?

Should be good now!

Thank you for letting us know

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Looks good now, thanks @Ggofman !

Look forward to playing around with this :slight_smile:


Should the api be available for those on the grandfather’d account? Thought it was the same as hobbyist?

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Hello, just added support for older plans.
Please give it a look.

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