Alerts to mobile phone

The Pulse alerts are critical, but because it is sent by email, I am missing them most of the times.
Last week my AC broke down and I noticed the temp alert email 4 hours later. It was horrible.

Is there any option to receive them as text to my mobile phone or somehow configure only these emails to get pushed and show on my mobile?

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You can make sure to mark the emails as important (if you use a client such as Gmail).

We also do SMS alerts for the US, and are working on a native app for push notifications.

What country do you live in?


I’m based in Australia, and would love an sms or app notification for this reason too! The pulse has been a fantastic guardian of the garden, but this would really kick it up a notch

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I am from Israel. I tried to have these emails pushed somehow, w/o success, maybe I need to change my email app, still checking this…
SMS or Pulse App with pushed notifications will be ideal and a great improvement. Tx