Ability to add a Marker (vertical line) to the graph with a note attached

I think it’d be quite useful to be able to add a marker to the graph in which one could attach a note, for the purpose of marking the time in which a piece of equipment was added, removed, or settings changed, so you could easily see its impact to the environment. Perhaps the Note could be viewed by clicking on the Marker perhaps.
Or better yet, when making an entry in the Journal & if Environment is selected, have an extra check box to display the time & date on the graph?
I only suggest it because I experiment with different settings on the environmental controllers to see how variables are affected & it’d be much easier to use a marker to track what kind of changes occur.

Good call, we’ve considered something like this before, and our charting library supports it to some extent, but it would be a fair amount of work. If we get a few more votes we might bump it up in priority!

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A post was split to a new topic: Data Spiking Up and Down

I just started using the Pulse Hub. I was looking through charts to explain some big changes in VWC % and PWEC. I had to click back and forth to the journal to cross-reference the calibration event times with the charts. I had expected to be able to e.g. select a “show journal events for this range” box on the chart.

I can respect that it’s a non-trivial effort that needs to be prioritized and product-managed accordingly. Just wanted to add my +1 specifically for the “be able to annotate charts with existing journal entries” aspect of this feature request.

Hi there!
I can say that I will bring this up with the team once more and i understand how much easier it would be to analyze events if they were on the chart.

We’ve had a request for this feature for a while and the request for customizable charts for zones.
Seems like this would go well together, but that would be a fair bit of work to implement.
Can’t say when we will wiggle some room in

We appreciate your feedback.