API and Home Assistant config?

Ok, sorry, i don’t know what could be wrong. Do you see any error message in your logs?
Also, do you have a Pulse Pro or a Pulse One?

I got it working. Thanks

My API access quit working this morning without any changes to configuration. The Pulse device still shows data but even logging into the API area of the website gives:

" :frowning: Application Error
If you are the application administrator, you can access the diagnostic resources."

Anyone know what’s going on?

Hey! This might be an issue with some of our recent updates related to the API. I’ve given the engineering team a heads up and they’ll be looking into and getting this resolved ASAP!

Appreciate the heads up. Apologies for any inconvenience!

Thank you for the update!

Hello, the public API is back online now. The main app was not affected.

I’m sorry for the troubles and unexpected downtime.